Thursday, 2 July 2009

Hit Radio FFH Relaunch

Hit Radio FFH has relaunched its programme on the 1st of July.

A lot of things are new:

1) The whole performance (brand design, logo, sound design) is much fresher and more adult oriented.
The sound design was produced by Groove Addicts in L.A. which guarantees a certain pop rock approach.

2) A new morning show with more entertaining benchmarks that fit the lifestyle of the target group. More interactive elements. But a more adult, clearer and less commercial approach.

3) The music plays a bigger role. It is more mix-driven with more 'Kult Hits' and 'Rock Hits' from the 80s and 90s.

4) In the afternoon there is a new show concept with the former morning host Johannes Scherer: more fun, more music -> the definite opposite of boring.

Hit Radio FFH now gives the listeners even more opportunities to be recalled during the rating periode in autumn.

Listen now and have fun:

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