Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Radio 24 - New Ratings Record

At the beginning of the year Radio 24 optimized its programme and music based on the results from a strategic Mapping study.

According to the new ratings from Switzerland the new strategy is already paying off: Already at #1, the Zurich based Radio 24 improved its daily reach from 250,000 to 286,000 listeners. The station's daily reach (Monday to Friday) even went up to more than 300,000 listeners.

This year Radio 24 is also celebrating its 30th anniversary.

The Swiss station has never had better ratings in its entire history than today.

Congratulations and happy birthday!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Radio Ramasuri becomes Local Station #1 in Bavaria

Radio Ramasuri general manager Thomas Conrad is always looking for new opportunities. Now he has made his station the #1 local station in Bavaria.

According to the new TNS ratings Radio Ramasuri increases its daily reach 14+ from 24.5% to 30%. Radio Ramasuri is now the most listened to local radio station in Bavaria.

Based on a Brand Support Mapping study we set up an action plan for Radio Ramasuri to improve their music and programming. With music tests and music call-out we have found the right songs for the new music strategy. More concentration on music, more emotions, more focus on relevant regional information helped the station to become stronger than before.

Thomas Conrad: "There is still potential".


Thursday, 2 July 2009

Hitradio Ö3: New Image Campaign

Have fun with the new image campaign of Hitradio Ö3.

It can be seen in movie theaters all over Austria.

You can win if you count the number of balloons correctly.

Click here: >>zum offiziellen Ö3 Sommervideo<<

Hit Radio FFH Relaunch

Hit Radio FFH has relaunched its programme on the 1st of July.

A lot of things are new:

1) The whole performance (brand design, logo, sound design) is much fresher and more adult oriented.
The sound design was produced by Groove Addicts in L.A. which guarantees a certain pop rock approach.

2) A new morning show with more entertaining benchmarks that fit the lifestyle of the target group. More interactive elements. But a more adult, clearer and less commercial approach.

3) The music plays a bigger role. It is more mix-driven with more 'Kult Hits' and 'Rock Hits' from the 80s and 90s.

4) In the afternoon there is a new show concept with the former morning host Johannes Scherer: more fun, more music -> the definite opposite of boring.

Hit Radio FFH now gives the listeners even more opportunities to be recalled during the rating periode in autumn.

Listen now and have fun: http://www.ffh.de/webradio