by Jochen Lukas
After having been held in Singapore for several years, RadioAsia, the main radio convention in the Asian region, moved to New Delhi (India) this year. As in previous years the broadcast partner (Brand Support & bci) were co-sponsor of the event and also participated in the convention with a workshop (’10 Great Elements of Great FM Radio’) and a speech (‘How we became Top of the Market’).
What makes this conference so fascinating is that completely different worlds meet in one place. Radio professionals from highly developed radio markets like Malaysia (currently preparing to go digital) or Japan meet with ‘radio freaks’ from countries that are still in their very early stages of development – such as Pakistan or Indonesia.

Private radio stations are rapidly growing – with Radio Mirchi, a station network, being the strongest private radio brand. Most private stations play very similar formats, primarily based on the highly popular Bollywood music and only very few ‘international hits’. A number of other formats do exist, e.g. Meow FM, a station ‘just for women’, but their market success is limited (similar to ‘niche formats’ in Europe). (Pictured: Wolfram Tech of bci & Nitin Gupta of Meow FM)

Besides the conference, Delhi itself with its estimated 20 million inhabitants is an amazing experience. Loud, smoggy and crazy, with great food and tuk-tuk drivers that always take you to the same ‘buy a carpet or a Pashmina shawl’ people, no matter which address you give them :-) If you don’t drive a hard bargain from the beginning, they will always rip you off. And forget about ‘western sales seminars’ – you’ll never learn more than from the experience of an Indian carpet salesman bargaining with you for more than an hour over the price of a carpet, telling you the most entertaining and incredible stories while doing so.
India, we will definitely come back and long to see more of your madness!
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